French Listening Comprehension

How to improve your French oral comprehension in a few days !!!

Ear-training - Extremely effective method for improving oral comprehension in French


It's not easy to communicate if you can hardly understand what other people are saying.

To achieve quick, tangible results in this area, we've put into place a unique oral comprehension method.

Your ear -- despite every effort on your part -- doesn t naturally hear all the sounds of French language. If you can't even hear the French sounds in the first place, you cannot be expected to reproduce them.

In only one week we can change your ear. (Don't worry, there's no pain, no actual surgery!). The fact is, you've already had a lifetime of ear training in your own language that tends to get in the way of your ability to hear in French language.

With our method, after a few hours, you'll be a little child again. Your ears will once again have that child-like ability to distinguish between words (such as, in French, le vin, le vent, and levons) that previously sounded identical to your ears, but that have obvious differences to the trained ear or to the native speaker.

At DialoguE you will taste French sounds with the same pleasure as you taste French wines. In a few days of complete immersion, you will hear and feel the difference.

For more information, please contact us. We will be delighted to provide you with the names of people who have experienced our method.


American student Elliot Essman comments

Other testimonials about DialoguE aural comprehension techniques

Ann Bensinger


With this last trip I can now understand with complete ease radio and news broadcasts in French. With earlier lessons I had increased my ability to understand about 80%, 20 % was still a lot missing. The Godard's rapidly identified what I still needed to learn in order to understand the remaining 20% and within two weeks, give me the news en français! I did try other programs and I have an awesome vocabulary to prove it. I just couldn't speak or understand the language. I am certain that I still would not without Dialogue. Jean Luc and Claudine Godard are geniuses in teaching language at all levels.


David Moore

On my return home, I received with interest the most recent "Champs-Elysées" cassette to which I have subscribed for a long time.

A month ago I heard about 50 %. Now, after my stay at DialoguE, I hear almost all.

Jorge Kizer

M.D., Philadelphia

"The tailored individual sessions on auditory discrimination and phonetics enabled me to make great advances. Equally important, my hosts' unstinting attention to my malapropisms outside class served to heighten my awareness and facilitate correction of longstanding bad habits. I cannot but recommend DialoguE in the highest terms."

Ben Small

Attorney, MBA Candidate, INSEAD

"The combination of total immersion in the French language and intense academics is truly hard work. However, the immersion and the excellent instruction paid off. I am delighted with my progress. (...) I am convinced that through Dialogue I have built a solid base which will enable my continued progress. (...)"

Dean Limbert

MD, Kiawah Island, South Carolina

"My experience at DialoguE was very productive. I spent three weeks learning French. The program of total immersion is the only way to make rapid and enduring progress. In addition, they have developed a new and unique method of learning French which concentrates on difficult sounds, followed by intensive practice to imprint the results permanently. Three weeks of study at DialoguE is equivalent to 2 years of study elsewhere. (...)"

Ian Stevenson

M.D. Carlson Professor of Psychiatry, University of Virginia

"When I returned to Paris from Spa, I could immediately notice a marked improvement in my competence in speaking French. In particular, I was able to carry on several fairly complicated conversations over the telephone without any difficulty. You will be amused to learn that I happened to mention to my French publisher that I had been taking lessons in French and was hoping to take some more; he replied that I had no need of further lessons! Of course, he was flattering me, I know. His remark, however, was a credit to you. You may refer any prospective clients to me, and I will be happy to recommend your lessons in French and your gracious hospitality as well."

Sue England


"The course is extremely well thought out, combining many hours of lessons and informal conversation, skilled teaching and a pleasant atmosphere, which makes it the ideal immersion experience. The teachers are well trained and good at structuring the work for each individual. (...) My aural comprehension of French and my confidence in speaking it improved enormously, which was what I needed myself."


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